Update on IBIA Digitalisation survey results and future plans

Update on IBIA Digitalisation survey results and future plans

We are pleased to share with you the results from our survey conducted by the IBIA Digitalisation of Bunkering Working Group in Q4 2023. This group, which will continue its efforts throughout 2024, is dedicated to engaging with our members on pivotal digital transformation topics within our industry.

Link to survey: https://bit.ly/IBIADSurvey

In 2023, our primary objective was to establish the working group, map the entire bunker value chain, and evaluate the digital maturity across its various segments. Our focus for 2024 is to furnish our members with a comprehensive understanding of digitalisation opportunities and challenges within our field. We aim to provide actionable insights and recommendations to foster digitalisation and the adoption of digital solutions in the bunker industry.

Starting Q2 2024, the working group intends to broaden its engagement with a larger segment of the IBIA membership and the wider market. We will be communicating regularly about our progress and initiatives. Additionally, the group is looking to collaborate with other working groups in the maritime and bunker sectors to promote best practices and innovative ideas.

We are enthusiastic about the transformative prospects this year holds for the shipping and bunker industry and are grateful for your continued support.

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