Update on recent IMO activities – October
Edmund Hughes Outcome of MEPC 82 and work going forward to MEPC 83 As expected the session was domin… Read more…
IBIA achieved NGO consultative status with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 2005. This gives IBIA the right to attend IMO meetings to represent our industry’s interests and provide relevant expertise to IMO’s work and deliberations.
We continuously scrutinise IMO proceedings on all matters affecting our members to ensure that the interests of the bunker industry are heard. IBIA is active at the IMO through written submissions, interventions from the floor and participation in working groups during IMO meetings. We also take part in IMO Correspondence Groups to progress work on agenda items between meetings.
IBIA keeps an eye on a broad range of IMO issues and attends several meetings every year. The Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) and the Maritime Safety Committee are the main meetings that deal with subjects of relevance to the bunkering industry. We also attend a number of IMO sub-committee meetings, in particular PPR (Pollution Prevention and Response), to monitor and provide input to developments of relevance to IBIA members.
Edmund Hughes Outcome of MEPC 82 and work going forward to MEPC 83 As expected the session was domin… Read more…
International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) has issued the latest version of the Port Read… Read more…
Edmund Hughes, IBIA’s representative at IMO, reports on developments The time for a decision on re… Read more…
The following documents have been submitted in July by IBIA to the IMO: 82nd Marine Environment Prot… Read more…
IBIA – The International Bunker Industry Association’s members, along with the wider shipping in… Read more…
Focus on Biofuels Carriage of biofuels for supply to a ship for use as fuel oil on board that ship I… Read more…
Edmund Hughes, IBIA’s representative at IMO, reports on developments The outcome of the latest rou… Read more…
Industry stakeholders may be interested in contributing to the Study on the implementation of the I… Read more…
The International Standards Organisation (ISO) has released the latest version of the marine fuel sp… Read more…
IMO meetings • 108th session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 108) (15 to 24 May 2024) • Co… Read more…