IBIA Board Elections 2022 – Call for Nominations
IBIA is arranging an election to replace board members whose term will be ending on 31st March 2022. There will up to four vacancies. These elections are an opportunity for IBIA members to seek election to the board and take part in the running of the Association.
Members of IBIA are invited to propose candidates for election who in their opinion will make a meaningful contribution to the running of the Association. Prospective Board Members should be aware that being a Board Member is not just a titular position; they are expected to take an active part in the activities of the Association. Here are copies of the Responsibilities of IBIA Board Members and the Board Election Nomination Form.
Prospective candidates should also look at the Association’s Bye Laws, particularly the parts of Section 14 which deal with the election process.
Candidates for the election to the Board must:
- Consent to stand for election
- Be paid up members of the Association
- Be proposed and seconded by paid up Members of the Association
- Complete and return the nomination form
Completed forms must be delivered to the secretariat no later than Thursday 16th December 2021
Please return via email to ibia@ibia.net the completed nomination form as (i) a signed PDF and (ii) in Word format for processing.
Nominations received after the closing date will not be accepted.
We look forward to receiving your nominations, and to seeing you next month at our Annual Convention 2021, where you will hear from several of IBIA’s current board members.