IBIA at Maritime Logistics and Energy

IBIA at Maritime Logistics and Energy

IBIA Seminar: Qualifying Quality Seminar & Drinks Reception. 18th June: 

View the events photos here.

One of the biggest challenges the shipping industry is facing is qualifying the quality of the bunkers purchased. The quality of bunker fuel has long been a source of concern to shipowners and charterers and the issue is becoming ever more prevalent as sulphur thresholds reduce.

Heavy blending and the use of inappropriate blend components as well as the addition of waste chemicals and organic substances have caused ships serious operating problems. Engine damage and resultant lost time caused by bunker quality problems occur all too frequently.

This forum is aimed at providing practical guidance on how to reduce the risk of taking low quality fuel. Organised by the International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA), this session is an opportunity for the marine fuel industry to explain to its customers how it is working to get it right and deliver value for money. The speakers will seek to explain some of issues the surround the bunker quality and provide guidance on how to address the issues when things do not go to plan.

The afternoon will give an overview of the bunker procurement process, a supplier’s viewpoint, information on fuel testing, and the legalities – what to do when things don’t go to plan. It will wrap up with a networking drinks reception. 


  • Nigel Draffin, Technical Manager, LQM Petroleum Services
  • Michael Green, Global Technical Manager, Bunker Fuel Testing, Intertek Lintec, ShipCare Services
  • Trevor Harrison, Maritime Arbitrator and Mediator
  • John Stirling, World Fuel Services

For details of the programme please click here.  Open to IBIA members and non-members.

FREE to IBIA members, please quote coupon code IBIA18_06 at the checkout. To register please click here.

An Introduction to Bunkering. 19th June.

A one-day course presented by the International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA) and designed for newcomers to bunkering. It covers all the basics, including technical, operations, environmental, commercial and legal issues and has been taught at many locations around the world. Read more

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