Do you want to take part in the review of IMO guidelines for EGCS?
The International Maritime Organization has agreed to update the 2015 Guidelines for exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS Guidelines) to clarify a number of issues.
The terms of reference for the review includes “further refinement of the EGCS Guidelines” to clarify issues around monitoring of washwater, emission testing and approval of scrubbers. In addition, there is a call for the development of specific guidance on accidental breakdown, instrument malfunction and perceived temporary non-compliance, and development of consequential amendments to the 2009 Guidelines for port State control.
A recent IMO meeting established the Correspondence Group on Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems. IBIA has offered to participate in Correspondence Group (CG) and invite IBIA members with relevant expertise to join an IBIA “response group” to develop IBIA’s contributions to this CG.
Please e-mail if you want to take part in this effort.