Upcoming Cape Town forum to look at range of issues
IBIA Africa will be hosting our second regional forum in Cape Town this September. Captain Peter Hall, IBIA CEO will be joining us in Cape Town to cover a number of topics essential to the African Region. The aim of the event is to highlight the importance of establishing a good bunkering hub. The forum will bring together the region’s bunker industry for networking, and create a platform for engagement and shared learning between industry and Government.
Aegean Marine Petroleum as Platinum sponsors will be speaking at the forum, having successfully launched the first off-port limits service currently being operated by Aegean Bunkering Marine Services in the Algoa Bay region.
Topics for the forum will include:
World and regional scene dealing with world supply and the African scene.
- Shipping and trade overview
- Global perspective: Asia and Europe
- Regional perspective: East, West and Southern Africa
IMO and regulatory impacts
- What’s happening at IMO
- Global Cap and impacts, fuel quality, BDN, compliance and enforcement
Managing supply: impacts of supply and finance on the bunker market.
- Ship owners’ perspective: what do they want to see in a developing country?
- Fuel supplies, off shore oil and gas industry
- Oil major and local supplier’s perspective
- Storage capacity and infrastructure
Bunker development and the environment
- Development of an offshore bunkering project
- Good counter pollution preparedness and marine emergency management
- International legal framework for pollution from ships and the position in Africa
Bunker Surgery
This session will offer a strong panel of bunkering experts who will answer questions from delegates on a wide range of subjects, including legal, operational, environmental and commercial.
Currently port competitiveness in the African region is at a tipping point, with the number of expansion and developmental projects taking place. We encourage IBIA members from the region to join us in Cape Town on 14 to 16 September to engage with each other as we present an engaging and informative programme.
Should you require any further information regarding the Africa events contact:
Tahra Sergeant, IBIA Regional Manager
+27 21 7905318 or tahra.sergeant@ibia.net