Ufuk Erinc

Ufuk Erinc, a prominent figure in the maritime industry, graduated from Istanbul Technical University Marine Academy in 1994 with a specialisation in Captain and worked on various types of merchant vessels until 1999, honing his skills and gaining invaluable experience.

Ufuk joined Eastern Mediterranean Shipping Company, a subsidiary of Arkas Holding, as Operations Manager.

In 2006, Ufuk embarked on a new venture with the establishment of Arkas Bunkering.

As General Manager of Arkas Bunkering for 13 years, Ufuk led the company to unprecedented heights, achieving record sales and tonnage delivered.

Building on his extensive experience and entrepreneurial spirit, Ufuk established Unerco, a physical bunker supply company, following his tenure at Arkas Bunkering. As founder and CEO of Unerco, Ufuk continues to demonstrate his commitment to delivering exceptional service and driving growth in the bunkering sector.

In addition to his professional endeavours, Ufuk is deeply committed to giving back to the community and promoting positive change in the maritime sector. He actively supports initiatives that promote sustainability, safety and gender diversity in the industry.

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