Gibraltar partners with Shell to develop LNG bunker market
Gibraltar has taken further steps toward making supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a fuel to ships at anchor a reality in the key Mediterranean bunkering hub.
As of 26 August, 2016, HM Government of Gibraltar and the Gibraltar Port Authority (GPA) have signed a bunker market development agreement with Shell.
It follows an agreement signed earlier in August between her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar and Shell, for the supply of LNG for use in power generation in Gibraltar. Under this agreement, a small regasification unit will be constructed in Gibraltar, which will be operated by Gasnor, a 100% Shell-owned subsidiary.
CEO and Captain of the Port, Commodore Bob Sanguinetti, who is also an IBIA board member, says: “As a key bunkering hub, the Port of Gibraltar sees LNG as one of the potential fuels of the future and is delighted to have partnered with Shell on this exciting project.”
Developing LNG bunkering facilities is part of the Port of Gibraltar’s strategy to provide the widest range of marine services as it looks to the future, he notes.
The joint LNG bunker market development project will be subject to the Government’s policy of going through stringent environmental processes and studies, including Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) procedures. Shell has also committed to carry out a Joint Development Study by 1 January 2018 which will deal with the regulatory framework, safety and technical standards without which the project cannot proceed.
Supply of LNG as bunkers features on the programme at IBIA’s Annual Convention which will take place in Gibraltar from 7 to 11 of November this year, including a presentation from Shell on developing an LNG bunkering network.
“We look forward to discussing this among other topical issues at IBIA’s forthcoming high profile annual convention here in Gibraltar in November,” says Sanguinetti.