IBIA Corporate Management

This objective is kept under review and shaped in policy terms by the Board of Directors which consults and is informed by the membership.

IBIA Board

IBIA has a Board of Directors, which provides governance to the Association. Areas which it covers include establishing policy, approving plans, being proactive in informing and educating through speaking at conferences and seminars, heading working groups, and providing technical advice to the membership and wider public. The members of the Board of Directors are all experts in various aspects of marine fuel supply.

Management Team (Secretariat)

The Association employs a management team in the UK, Singapore and Africa.

The management team supports the Board and Association through a range of activities and support the core values of the Association.

Core values

  • Educates and communicates issues across the marine fuel supply chain
  • Influences and shapes the future
  • Educates and establishes standards
  • Provides technical support

Financial Management

The team compiles the annual business plans, which are then approved by the Board for the overarching IBIA management and its regional subsidiaries. These plans are monitored and where necessary re-evaluated to ensure the financial objectives are achieved. These activities are independently audited by the Association’s accountants.

The activities include but are not limited to:

  • Banking and financial administration
  • Production of management reports and plans
  • Cost-effective procurement

Membership Database

A key benefit to the membership is the maintenance of an accurate database that provides detailed contact information relating to the bunker supply chain and its membership in each country. A list of countries and summary of membership type is contained in the membership section. 


The management team aims to provide the most efficient and effective forms of communications possible in order to support the membership. 

Currently communication can be categorised in four ways.

This is focused through speaking engagements at seminars and conferences, utilising the technical skills and experience of the Board, management team and membership. The Board, management team and members also arrange exhibitions, conferences, seminars and other events to educate and inform the wider marine fraternity.

Advising the membership through a number of mediums of the latest developments concerning “Bunkering” and the wider marine matters. The Association currently disseminates this information through its website, newsletters and quarterly magazine, World Bunkering.

Contributing articles to the maritime press.

Technical Forums
Representing the association, and its membership, at IMO & other  meetings, discussions and work groups with like-minded organisations. Discussing matters of common interest with other trade bodies in the maritime sphere to seek a consistent industry-wide approach to legislators and negotiators.

Training & Publications

The Association aims to raise standards through training courses and publications. IBIA has, for many years, conducted general basic, intermediate and advanced bunkering courses.

Our publications include the 2018 “Best practice guidance for suppliers for assuring the quality of bunkers delivered to ships”.