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Event Details

November 5

IBIA Future Fuels Training Course – Athens

November 5 All day

This course will cover the current situation and likely development of the main factors in understanding Future fuels.

The course is intended for all delegates with a general understanding of bunkering conventional fuels and an interest in the application of Future fuels. It will feature data and information  of the latest position on adoption of these fuels, impact of regulation and the key advantages and key barriers to their adoption.

All fuels will be addressed in general terms together with descriptions of the  hazards and on board safety aspects. We will have 4 specialists to expand on LNG, Methanol, Bio fuels and Ammonia. In addition our IMO permanent representative, Dr Edmund Hughes will present the current state of the IMO regulations for these fuels and the shift towards Well to Wake (or LCA) documentation for these fuels with reference to the need for Proof of Sustainability so as to enable accurate reporting of CII. There will also be general presentations on measurement and issues with both quantity and quality plus an economic overview. The course will be led by Board member Nigel Draffin and will allow sufficient time for general Q and A before the close of the course.

08.00 Registration for Training

– Coffee Break

– Lunch

– Coffee Break

17:00 Training Ends